beheard.jpg Press Release - May 12, 2008 - Greenrock has stated in the past, and continues to state now, that Bermuda must first develop a comprehensive energy plan, which provides both short- and long-term guidance on Bermuda’s energy needs while balancing environmental, economic and social perspectives.

In the short term, this plan might focus on conservation by providing economic incentives and guidelines to those customers who conserve energy by installing certified energy-saving technologies or micro-renewables. Within this short period, this plan should separately address the cost of energy used by residential versus commercial customers, thus lessening the socio-economic division occurring in our community.


Earth Hour was a huge global success! On Saturday, March 29, from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m. people around the world turned out their lights for Earth Hour, sending a very strong message to our government, and governments around the world, that we need to take action on climate change now.

Earth Hour encourages governments, companies and homeowners to voluntarily switch off power to non-essential appliances for one hour to illustrate how, by working together, people can make a difference by using less energy, thereby producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions.


Greenrock was honoured to receive the 2008 Public Health Award (Organisation) for its exceptional contributions to Bermuda’s public health. Greenrock Vice-President Mark Booth accepted the award from the Minister of Health, the Honourable Nelson B.A. Bascome, J.P., M.P. in a lavish celebration on Friday, April 11, at Camden House.


Solar house is selling energy back to Belco

Greenrock was pleased to be invited recently to visit a solar-powered house in Shelly Bay. The house has a large solar array and a small wind turbine. On a sunny day this equipment can generate 6 kw, enough to power a good-sized family home, even including air conditioning units.

Shopping bagsPress Release - March 14, 2008

Starting on March 24th and running up to May 3rd - the 21st Bermuda End-to-End event - there will be series of Public Service Announcements (PSA) in the local newspapers and on several of the local radio stations.

This PSA campaign is meant to educate those living in Bermuda on the long-term impact of NOT switching to a reusable bag and bottle as an alternative to buying bottled water, primarily in plastic bottles, and using disposable plastic or paper bags.

This PSA campaign was made possible by the generous grant received from the 2007 Bermuda End-to-End (registered charity 558) during their 20th Anniversary.

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