
"This document sets out how the views of Bermuda’s residents were gathered, outlining methods used in:

1) Public outreach carried out by the Sustainable Development Project Team, and;
2) A public perception telephone survey done by Total Marketing and Communications Limited (TMC)

The results from this consultation process are attached as:

• Public Outreach Feedback
• Telephone Survey Results "

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endtoendcheque.jpgPictured from left to right are:  Donald Bowman (BETE), Mieah DeFontes (BETE), Anne Mello (Chair, BETE), Erin Moran (President, Greenrock), with End to End corporate sponsors David Lang (Bank of Bermuda Foundation) and Lloyd Fray (M3 Wireless).

Reuse bags and bottles to help protect Bermuda's environment. That's the message that environmental charity Greenrock will be spreading, thanks to a major grant from Bermuda End-to-End. Greenrock, which promotes sustainable development initiatives, will receive $20,000 from End-to-End's 20th Anniversary Fund. The money will go towards Greenrock's "Bring Your Own Bottle or Bag" Public Service Advertising (PSA) campaign, which focuses on the importance of carrying reusable bottles and bags rather than using disposable items.

gronwhite.pngAGM Annual Report
October 2, 2007

President's address
by Erin Moran

As an organization in its formative stages, I would say that this past year has been the most exciting one yet and I feel it is just the tip of the iceberg. First and foremost, we have revamped and expanded our executive and management committee to strengthen the depth and expertise of Greenrock.


An environmental group has given a cautious welcome to the news that a luxury hotel planned for Southlands may now be built at Morgan's Point.

Former Premier Alex Scott revealed last month that the owners of Southlands were in talks with Government about a land swap which would see them hand over their 37-acre site in Warwick in exchange for land on the deserted Morgan's Point peninsula in Southampton.

Environmental campaigners say refusal of planning permission for a wind turbine at a Grade Two-listed house is an example of "double speak" by Government.

Greenrock and the Bermuda Environmental and Sustainability Taskforce (BEST) both criticised the Department of the Environment yesterday for lack of consistency in policy.

They said the refusal of an appeal for the micro-wind turbine due to its "visual impact" was at odds with a decision earlier this year to delist the Grade One-listed building, the 'Queen of the East', leaving the 18th century building vulnerable to development.

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