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Press Release - March 10, 2008
Greenrock is proud of the results from our Bulb Swap - an innovative campaign to encourage residents in Bermuda to replace their incandescent lightbulbs with high-efficiency compact fluorescents (CFLs).
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Press Release - January 22, 2008
Greenrock regrets to announce that Erin Moran is stepping down as President of Greenrock. Ms. Moran has decided to pursue further training in her chosen profession of Traditional Chinese Medicine overseas for the next few years.
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"This chapter seeks to explore some of the issues associated with maintaining the economy, as well as, ensuring that all Bermudians have the opportunity to share in Bermuda’s prosperity.Contents:
One area which is very difficult to address is the cost of living and doing business in Bermuda. Bermuda’s small size presents issues of scale throughout the market, which in a number of cases prevents effective competition that could bring down prices. Equally, the high cost of living is simply an indicator of the sustained success of the economy and an increase in disposable incomes."
The implementation Plan takes the primary and secondary priorities set out in the Sustainable Development Strategy and breaks them down further. It sets them out under five broad themes:
• Theme 1: Building and Maintaining an Inclusive Strong Economy
• Theme 2: Transforming Governance and the Public Sector
• Theme 3: Protecting and Enhancing our Environment and Natural Resources
• Theme 4: Sustaining our Communities
• Theme 5: Living within Bermuda’s Limits
For each priority, the Implementation Plan
• offers some background, defining the particular issue in question;
• sets some short- and medium-term objectives, and where possible, targets;
• offers some options for actions to achieve those objectives;
• suggests actors, both governmental and non-governmental;
• suggests timelines for delivery; and
• sets out what is already being undertaken by Government.
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"This section outlines the vision for Bermuda in the future, drawing on the many inputs received during public consultation. Setting out this vision will not in itself mean that it will be achieved. However, it does give an idea of the Bermuda which residents would like to see and thus gives direction to the policies and actions which are needed in the future. This vision is set out under five main themes."
5. Vision
6. Bermuda’s Strengths and Weaknesses
7. Priorities for Action
8. Monitoring and Follow-up
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SDSIP part two 69.53 Kb
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"As a small island we have little ability to influence the tides and currents of global affairs but are strongly influenced by them. Our size and relative isolation makes us uniquely vulnerable to changes in the global economy and uniquely strong in being able to adapt quickly. It also allows a higher level of control over physical borders. A world where surprise, change and uncertainty are the norm requires a degree of forward planning, harnessing economic, environmental and social assets, to chart our course into the next century."
Forward by Premier Alex Scott
1. Why we need a Strategy
2. What this Document contains
3. What is Sustainable Development?
4. What makes a good National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS)?
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SDSIP part one 274.05 Kb
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