Earth Day was founded in 1970 as a day of education about environmental issues, and Earth Day 2024 will occur on Monday, April 22, the holiday's 54th anniversary. The holiday is now a global celebration, sometimes extended into Earth Week, a full seven days of events focused on environmental action and sustainable living.
Celebrate Earth Day with a challenge that makes everyone a winner!
We took the Earth Day theme “Invest in Your Planet”, and turned it into “Invest in Your Parish” – a new, interactive photo challenge. Now it’s a race to see which parish will commit to the most environmental actions from Saturday, April 20th to Monday, April 22nd. We’ve teamed up with Hink so you can share high-resolution photos of friends, family, and colleagues as they take part in their Earth Day Challenge commitments, from planting trees to cleaning up the coast, from going on a nature walk to using your cycle or zero-emission vehicles. There are 13 actions – choose one, or challenge yourself to complete them all!
Which parish will secure the top spot in the 2024 Bermuda Earth Day Challenge? The choice is yours! Download Hink from the App Store or Google Play and “Invest in Your Parish” in high resolution!
What is the Earth Day Challenge?
To participate, first, Register Today! and then commit to as many of the following activities as possible to help your parish secure the top spot!
Instructions for The New Earth Day Interactive Photo Challenge are listed below
- Reduce energy consumption
- Cook your meals at home
- Remember to recycle
- Spend time outdoors
- Clean up the coast
- Buy local produce and seafood
- Go plastic free
- Plant a few trees
- Go for a nature walk
- Do some gardening at home
- Ride your cycle or use zero emission vehicles
- Go meatless for the day
- Pick up waste in your area
Sign Up Today!
We've partnered with Hink to create a NEW Interactive Photo Challenge
Share your best photos of friends, family, or work colleagues taking environmental action on Hink and help your parish secure the top spot in the Earth Day Challenge 2024!
Amateurs, professionals and smartphone photographers are all invited to participate.
The rules are simple.
Download Hink and create an account (takes about thirty seconds)
Make sure you have not disabled the location on your camera app. Click here if you need help doing that.
If you are using a digital camera sign up here to get a link to the web uploader where you can also set the location from where you took the photos.
Take great photos of friends, family, or work colleagues taking environmental action. An image should have at least one person in the frame to be eligible. Be creative and try to capture the person actively engaged! Be sure to upload your photos before midnight on Monday, April 22nd to participate.
Download any photos on the app and share them on your social media platforms. Read here for more information on how Hink works.
A team of three (3) preselected volunteers will monitor the interactive Earth Day Challenge site map and tally up the relevant photos of individual actions uploaded to Hink in each parish. The parish with the highest number of individual environmental actions posted on the interactive map will win. The winning Parish Council will receive assistance from the participating environmental organizations with an environmental initiative or help them solve an environmental challenge in their parish.
Please remember, Hink is in the early stages of development and we love feedback. If you need help or have suggestions, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We all know that people always want great shots of themselves, so let’s take some amazing photos on Earth Day!

Call us at 441.747.7625 for more information or to discuss how you can get involved.
Earth Day Activities
Saturday, April 20th, 2024
Sustainable Farming Workshop
Join us for a walking tour of FoodForest. An ecological microsystem of biological sustainability that incorporates several varieties of fruits, vegetables, roots, berries, and nuts. Learn how regenerative agriculture is the only alternative to the fragile micro system our communities depend on. This educational experience is free for Greenrock members. Fresh, organic vegetables will be for sale.
Sunday, April 23, 2023