Recycling symbolBermuda's New Recycling Centre has its official opening on Monday April 2nd.

Keep an eye out for the articles and advertisements regarding this great achievement by the Ministry of Works and Engineering (W&E).

stilinthetunnelA demonstration was held by B.E.S.T on March 20, 2007 at the proposed Southlands hotel site in an effort to show the scale of the project in terms that everyone can understand. Protesters held signs showing the points of entry and exit for the proposed tunnel on South Shore.
See the video of the event with comments from some of the people who were there.

View the Southlands Tunnel Video

sd-rings A special development order (SDO) is a form of planning permission that is granted by the Minister of the Environment instead of the Development Applications Board. The approval can be for in principle or for final approval.

greenercars.comHow Green is Your Car?

Did you ever wonder how "green" is the car you are driving today. provides an "environmental guide to cars and trucks." Check out this years best and worst performers or subscribe to the Green Book Online to get access to all available research.

It's an essential point to research before you buy your next car.

tempchange"Members in the House of Assembly from both political parties are showing what may be a bipartisan willingness to work on the issue of global warming."

Read the whole article

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