For Bermuda, Greenrock stepped in to act as a catalyst and invited other NGOs and the Government to participate in this global movement. However, unlike the major cities that began preparations back in 2007 and had both the financial and public-sector support, Greenrock initiated a word-of-mouth and email campaign as soon as it learned about this initiative in early February of this year. With no financial support, we managed to reach out to several people and companies who, in return, replied to us via email affirming their participation and activities.
The majority of people that recognised Earth Hour celebrated at home by having candlelit dinners or doing things that didn’t require electricity, such as reading a good book or eating cold foods that didn’t require cooking. There were some organised events as well. Students at the Bermuda College organised a fundraiser in which they held a games night by candlelight with more than 80 students and employees attending. The students raised over $1,000 dollars, half of which was donated to Greenrock. Cambridge Beaches Resort & Spa also turned off their lights and encouraged guests to dine by candlelight in their Tamarisk dining room.
Greenrock asked Belco to monitor the time period during which Earth Hour would take place on March 29th for two reasons: (1) to see what effect we could accomplish this year; and (2) to establish a benchmark to which we can compare ourselves next year. On March 30th, Greenrock received the power loads for Bermuda from 7:45 pm to 9:45 pm, and it would appear there was no significant drop in usage. We were not surprised by this considering how little time Bermuda had to prepare for this event and to garner support from both the public and private sectors, and how little money was available to promote this event effectively.
Yet, despite the lack of effect on the power load, we have established the foundation for Bermuda's participation in 2009. Now that the media, Government and various local companies are aware of this initiative and the importance of participating, Greenrock would like to act as the catalyst and planner for 2009. And to have Bermuda registered with the World Wildlife Federation not just as a city but as a whole country willing to showcase its capability to minimise its contribution to global warming.
Greenrock believes Bermuda can become a global leader in sustainable living just like it has done in the Reinsurance and Financial Markets. There are huge benefits to doing this now and in the future from an economic, social and environmental perspective.
Greenrock welcomes individuals and companies to join us in achieving our goal of "changing the mindset" in Bermuda when it comes to making sustainable lifestyle choices.
Organisations participating with Greenrock in encouraging Bermuda's involvement in Earth Hour were as follows: