netmetering.gif The situation for those wishing to connect Solar Panels to the grid is changing all the time. This month, the Energy and Telecommunications ministry circulated Belco's proposed interconnection agreement and asked for comments.

The newly formed energy commission will then be able to consider those comments and make changes to Belco's proposed agreement to the benefit of all. When this agreement is approved you will be able to connect your panels or wind turbine to the grid and receive credit for the power you generate.

global_warming.jpgA report on 'The Impact of Climate Change of Bermuda' forecasts stronger hurricanes and extensive flooding.
Up to 14 percent of the Island's land area could soon be at risk of flooding during high tides, while sea level rise and increased storm intensity will also threaten coastal areas.  Premier Ewart Brown highlighted the findings of the report, by Dr. Anne Glasspool, to MPs in the House of Assembly yesterday. 

diy_solar_collector2.jpgMost of us know that Bermuda's building environment as it exists today is almost totally unsustainable. It does not use any significant amount of local materials, whilst those building materials which are considered waste after a project is completed or are eventually replaced, end up in the land fill at the airport dump or are burned in the incinerator, due to the lack of any significant industrial recycling scheme on the island. Built with very little mandated attention to efficiency, buildings on the island are almost completely reliant on imported energy as well. Additionally, construction labor is very expensive due to the high cost of living on the island.

networkworld.jpgBF&M Ltd. is doing its bit for the environment by making the company's upcoming annual report fully electronic in a bid to help ensure the long-term sustainability of Bermuda as a community. 

rgtuckerspointsolar.jpgIt's already a luxury resort, but it now boasts the largest passive, solar-thermal hot water installation on the Island 

And yesterday Tucker's Point Club House was commended for turning to renewable energy in order to produce hot water. 

The passive solar technology means that sunlight is used to harness energy without the use of active mechanical systems and with little use of other energy sources. 

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