speak_up.jpgWhat role renewable energy may play towards energy security in Small Island States (SIS) 


1. In what way does Greenrock feel renewable energy may be beneficial to Bermuda?

Here are the primary benefits for developing renewable energy sources in Bermuda:

(1)  Stabilizing the cost of living: The cost of living in Bermuda is one of the highest in the world compared to big cities like Hong Kong, London, and New York City.  One of the reasons that make Bermuda so expensive is its cost of energy.  We rely heavily on a single source of energy produced by a private utility that primarily generates energy using fossil fuels - low grade oil and propane gas.  So from a social perspective, finding ways to produce energy from renewable source that is not exposed to the volatility of oil supply will be in the long run better for the people living in Bermuda.

Stuart Hayward, leader of the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability (BEST)If everyone went online to measure their carbon footprint, and made it a personal quest to keep this measure of environmental impact as small as possible, the Earth would be much better off. That's according to the leader of the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability (BEST), Stuart Hayward...
heritage_month_2010_sml.jpgGREENROCK says: We are proud to be part of this year's Heritage Month theme: Green: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Greenrock has been working with the Department of Community and Cultural Affairs to help create a policy and launch a campaign for going "green". This Dept feels if we are expecting the public to accept and adopt good environmental habits then the department should offer clear evidence that Government too should practice and believe what Government preaches.

netmetering.gif The situation for those wishing to connect Solar Panels to the grid is changing all the time. This month, the Energy and Telecommunications ministry circulated Belco's proposed interconnection agreement and asked for comments.

The newly formed energy commission will then be able to consider those comments and make changes to Belco's proposed agreement to the benefit of all. When this agreement is approved you will be able to connect your panels or wind turbine to the grid and receive credit for the power you generate.

global_warming.jpgA report on 'The Impact of Climate Change of Bermuda' forecasts stronger hurricanes and extensive flooding.
Up to 14 percent of the Island's land area could soon be at risk of flooding during high tides, while sea level rise and increased storm intensity will also threaten coastal areas.  Premier Ewart Brown highlighted the findings of the report, by Dr. Anne Glasspool, to MPs in the House of Assembly yesterday. 

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