DSC01383Most of us send our kids off to school (or receive them if we are teachers) with the best of sustainable intentions. We have handed down uniforms, recycled last year's supplies where possible, and packed a trash-free lunch. Once they get to school what more can we do? Here are a few ideas for parents, teachers and students to try out:

chris flookA larger marine reserve would better benefit Bermuda, according to Chris Flook of the Pew Environmental Group.

While the Government is asking the public to consider several possible marine reserve proposals for Bermuda Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), Mr Flook said only the largest of the proposals would have a real impact on the Island.

windreachIn April 2011, with generous support from sponsor Catlin, Greenrock started to develop, plant and maintain a series of community gardens and orchards across Bermuda.

Our first Healthy Harvest community garden was officially opened in June 2012. Since then three additional community gardens have been established, with ground breaking on two more set to start within the next few weeks.

SAGE-Commission-Award-WinnersThe SAGE Commission today announced the winners of awards in a programme designed to involve the public as well as members of the Civil and Public Service in the Commission’s review of the Bermuda Government.

Best Overall Entry was awarded to Magnus Henagulph for his submission which calls on Government to save money by being more energy efficient and prudent in their use of general resources.

seaThe Ministry of Environment and Planning today released a document detailing the issues associated with the creation of a reserve — Bermuda’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and Its Future.

Government declared Bermuda's EEZ a Marine Mammal Sanctuary a year ago, and continue to be involved in the Blue Halo project in collaboration with the Sargasso Sea Alliance (SSA) and the Bermuda Alliance for Sargasso Sea (BASS).

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