halloween recycleEarlier this month the BHS PTA decided to do something different for Halloween, for the school and for the environment, and held a Halloween costume and uniform exchange.

no thanks 197x154Residents could wind up being charged 25 cents for every plastic bag they use, if the environmental group Greenrock has its way.

Similar initiatives have proven successful around the world at reducing plastic litter, Greenrock president Judith Landsberg said.

thumb kbblogoMore than three tons of trash have been found on Bermuda’s shorelines by volunteers for Keep Bermuda Beautiful’s annual Marine Clean-Up.

The 454 volunteers dispersed across 32 different locations and were asked to be ‘citizen scientists’ for the day by logging each type of litter they found.

nothanks image4Press Release, 23 Oct 2013

Greenrock will launch the No Thanks! campaign music video at Bermuda College - Fri, Oct 25, 1pm

Greenrock and the Bermuda Marine Debris Taskforce have been campaigning to reduce single-use bags in Bermuda. An important part of that campaign is education to change people's behavior.

Photo by Paul Goyette

I doubt there’s a kid on the island who doesn’t look forward to the simple childhood pleasures that characterise Halloween: dressing up, thrilling games and activities and, of course, a copious supply of candy.

Initially influenced by Celtic harvest festivals, Halloween is a time to celebrate Earth's bounty.

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