Blue HaloThe Sustainable Development Department will host a panel discussion on a proposed marine reserve later this month.

The proposal, called the "Bermuda Blue Halo" by supporters, could cover a massive portion of Bermuda's Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ).

illegal dumpingCrisis point is reached as abandoned cars and other garbage are left behind

CCTV cameras will be installed around the waste facility next to the airport to tackle a new wave of illegal dumping.

The brazen fly tipping over the last few weeks has seen burned out cars, construction materials, air conditioning units and furniture simply abandoned at the entrance to the Government-run dump in the long term car park.

tuckerspointTime is running out for eco-friendly businesses to enter this year's Green Workplace Awards.

The third annual Greenrock competition will reward firms that go the extra mile for the sake of the environment.

For the past two years Greenrock has celebrated companies who have made changes in the office to promote sustainability.

The deadline for entries is October 15, final submissions are due December 1.

global-warmingGlobal warming could have a significant and direct impact on the Island and its residents, according to environmental group Greenrock.

A recent report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predicted that average sea levels will rise between 26cm and 82cm by the end of the century as a result of global warming, and that man has been the dominant influence on climate change.

Judith Oct2013Earlier this week former Premier Dr David Saul claimed that establishing a large marine reserve around Bermuda would be 'economic suicide' because of the untapped potential for ocean-bed mining.

But why would we gamble on a slim possibility of mining in the future and put at risk our greatest assets?

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