Friday, July 8, 2022


Greenrock commissions Offshore Wind Experts to accelerate Renewable Energy deployment

Bermuda’s greenhouse gas emissions need to reduce 60% by 2030 to align with international efforts to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees centigrade. If warming exceeds this level, the risks of ocean acidification along with several other environmental threats to the island can increase significantly.  It is also important to acknowledge the fact that there are communities surrounding our existing electricity generating power plant that continue to endure health, property and environmental challenges due to their proximity to fossil fuel smokestacks.  Addressing this should be a matter of national interest and attempts to find solutions should be pursued with urgency. 

In light of these realities, Greenrock is working hard to produce the data and research required to accelerate the deployment of affordable renewable energy. Of the various renewable technologies available to Bermuda, offshore wind and solar have consistently been identified as the most mature renewable energy technologies that are suitable to achieve this goal.

Greenrock welcomes the progress that has been made to date, by the Bermuda Government and the Regulatory Authority, in considering offshore wind as a key potential element of a sustainable, low carbon energy system for Bermuda. We now seek to build on this work and accelerate progress through working with a UK based engineering company, BVG Associates (BVGA), who have over a decade of expertise in delivering offshore wind. 


Working with BVGA, we have identified a series of studies, which are now instrumental in progressing an offshore wind project in Bermuda:

  • Review of Key Publications and Priority Actions - Existing work on offshore wind in Bermuda was reviewed by our industry experts, BVG Associates. Based on this priority actions were identified to understand if offshore wind is viable for Bermuda.
  • Levelised Cost of Energy Assessment - Detailed cost breakdowns were developed for an offshore wind project in Bermuda to determine with confidence the likely range of costs for electricity that could be delivered by offshore wind technology.
  • Location Assessment - Potential locations for an offshore wind farm in Bermuda were assessed, considering a variety of technical and commercial requirements for successful offshore wind development. Environmental and social constraints from BOPP and other sources were also applied.
  • Wind Speed and Energy Production Report - Commercial wind data from Vortex was purchased and used to produce more accurate forecasts of how much energy would be generated by an offshore wind farm.
  • Electricity/Power System Modelling - This study will identify technically and financially optimised pathways to rapidly decarbonise Bermuda's electricity supply through the use of mature renewable energy technologies such as solar and wind.
  • Offshore Wind Roadmap - This study will outline step-by-step a good practice approach to delivering an operational offshore wind farm in Bermuda, based on experience from mature markets.
  • LIDAR Campaign - If the outcome of these studies is successful, Greenrock also plans to initiate a revenue-grade (Light Detection and Ranging) LIDAR wind data collection campaign


These studies will help to determine if offshore wind is technically and commercially feasible for Bermuda, how much electricity from offshore wind is likely to cost, and assuming it is feasible they will also outline how Bermuda can deploy offshore wind in line with industry best practice.

We are pleased to announce that the first three studies have now been completed, and are available below to review. 


Recent Press Statements

Monday, September 25, 2023 | Greenrock releases 3rd study from Offshore Wind Feasibility Series

Tuesday, November 07, 2023 | Greenrock releases 4th study from Offshore Wind Feasibility Series



Completed Studies

1. Bermuda offshore wind: Key publications review and priority actions    click here to view

2. Bermuda offshore wind: Levelized cost of energy assessment    click here to view

3. Bermuda offshore wind: Location Assessment    click here to view


Presentation (Complete Overview)

Download PDF file 



Click here to download PDF


Monday, October 3, 2022



Greenrock Hosts Sponsor Forum on Offshore Wind Study Series

In its mission to raise awareness and funds to support the Offshore Wind Feasibility Study Series, developed in collaboration with UK-based Offshore Wind Experts, BVG & Associates, Greenrock will be holding a sponsor forum at the Chubb Building, from 12 pm - 2 pm, on Friday, October 7, 2022.

The forum, designed to host existing and potential supporters of Greenrock, will provide a platform to discuss the feasibility study series, why it is important for Bermuda, and the funding required to complete it in a timely manner.

Greenrock invites corporate representatives and potential private donors to attend the forum on October 7. They also encourage everyone to share this information with persons interested in accelerating the deployment of renewable energy in Bermuda. 


Click here to download PDF


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