BELCO diesel enginesIf we had the opportunity to start from scratch today, would we choose to build a large, oil-fired power plant back o' town to supply all of our electricity needs? If the answer is 'no' (and believe me, the answer is most certainly 'no') then what the alternative? This is not a hypothetical question. Many of the diesel engines at BELCO are old with some already past their normal working life.


There is an increasing danger that the sustainability movement is starting to reflect the very system it is seeking to change

We can find scores of reasons why sustainability is not scaling up at speed, but how often do we search for the common root cause?

Bermuda Bag Monsters - Earth Day 2013 001The Bag Monster has raised it's ugly head; it has emerged from under the sink and been seen around the island, and reactions have been interesting.

Greenrock launched a petition on Earth Day (April 22nd) to ask Government to mandate a 25c charge for single-use plastic and paper bags. The ultimate goal is to cut down on the number of bags we use.

Washington, D.C., April 22, 2013 (PBBR) – U.S. Representative Jim Moran, a Democrat from Northern Virginia, announced a bill entitled, "Trash Reduction Act" of 2013. The bill was introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives on Earth Day.

The Trash Reduction Act would impose a five-cent fee on single-use plastic and paper bags at every retail store across the nation. The fee, in effect, would reduce littering and encourage the use of reusable bags.

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Exclusive: Ready to pay for your plastic bags?

A green campaign to charge shoppers for using plastic bags has been backed by Environment Minister Sylvan Richards.

Mr Richards told the Bermuda Sun he supported the initiative that has been launched by Greenrock to discourage the use of disposable plastic and paper bags.

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