Dr. The Hon. Grant GibbonsGreenrock met with the Ministry for Economic Development last week and made a forceful case for setting goals for energy conservation and for having a clear plan to meet the targets set in the Energy White Paper.

BYOB_RGHave you ever taken a moment to do a plastic bag audit? It's pretty simple. Just take a think about the amount of times a day you take a plastic or paper bag from a shop from the one you put your lunch in at the deli to the two or three that are used to pack up your groceries or the one that holds your newspaper and a bar of chocolate.

Earth Hour - Finger on light switchEarth Hour is all about images. It is about one finger on a light switch, which has an impact visible from space. It is a global movement that is pitting positive energy against the seemingly relentless bad news of global climate disruption and disaster.

EnviroTalkFall edition of Envirotalk from the Ministry of Enviroment and Planning.

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