Christmas TreesChristmas Trees: Remove tinsel, nails and ornaments and place out on your scheduled day. Do not use a tree bag.

WEST End: Collection Day - Wednesday, 29 January 2014

EAST End: Collection Day - Wednesday, 22 January 2014

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christmas_ballsGreenrock wishes you all a happy, healthy and relaxing holiday season. Thank you for your support over the past year.

Let's spread joy by enjoying the ways in which we are getting it right, and where we are making good decisions that make our lifestyle more sustainable.

Let's celebrate the gardens that are planted, the times we didn't buy bottled water but refilled at a Hydration Station or tap, the light-bulbs we finally got around to switching to CFL or LED, the times the children came home all excited with a new message about changes at school.

Greenrock got a nice mention in today's Royal Gazette post-election article entitled "Charities, lobby groups call for dialogue".

Extract below;

The One Bermuda Alliance should consult with non-governmental bodies in order to build a better Bermuda, according to numerous groups.

2013_PreviewIn 2013, with your help, Greenrock will:

  • Introduce thousands of students to the concept of living sustainably through our School Roadshow
  • Involve hundreds of students in improving their school environment
  • Involve the community in growing and enjoying local food
  • Campaign to reduce usage of disposable bags
  • Reduce Belco bills for seniors by fitting hot water heater timers in selected homes
  • Work with other charities to preserve our heritage
  • Advocate for an island which remains competitive, welcoming and beautiful decades into the future (not just next election cycle)

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Every little bit counts when it comes to a charity like Greenrock!
Donations help us fund the day-to-day operations of the organisation, allowing us to maintain our existing programmes while exploring new programmes for the future.