The_Story_of_Change"We are not broke. There is money. It's ours and its time to invest it right."

Can shopping save the world? The Story of Change urges viewers to put down their credit cards and start exercising their citizen muscles to build a more sustainable, just and fulfilling world.

earthswitchWe are approaching election season with the imminent Presidential election ratcheting up the tension in the USA and a Bermuda national election due before the end of the year. The topics hitting headlines are who is telling lies about what, the financial situation, and at the moment, the impending (as I write) land-fall of Hurricane Sandy.

Last Tuesday, The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce (BEST) formally launched their Blueprint for Environmental Sustainability - 2012.

Greenrock applaud BEST on doing an excellent job in documenting THE PROBLEM together with their suggestions on where to look for solutions. Greenrock agrees that much of the focus needs to be on Changing the Mindset, one person at a time, and we would like to share some current examples of how Greenrock act as part of THE SOLUTION.

school-lunches-pic1No more French Fries and Sloppy Joes for lunch at one Washington school where a new pilot program is feeding students fresh whole food from the garden, not a can.

Students pick their own food from a garden.

roadshowGreenrock will be bringing its multi-media interactive School Roadshow to 15 Bermuda middle and high schools over the next 2 months.

Now in its 7th year, this year's roadshow theme is Waste Reduction.

To learn more, visit the School Roadshow project page or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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