solar-panel1A solar energy system installed at Gosling's headquarters has already made a bigger than expected impact, according to the company's CEO.

bags_killing_usA compelling infographic illustrating how plastic bags are killing our planet.

byob_whatelseinbtlPlastic Bottles Are Bad for Your Health

The simple fact that Americans consume 1,500 single-serve water bottles per second made of PET plastic has sufficed to make these disposable bottles a target of environmentalists concerned about the impact of so much trash. Until very recently, however, it has been assumed that the PET bottles pose no direct health risk to humans who drink from them.

energy_limboLast November, the Department of Energy kicked off its energy cutback competition Energy Limbo: How Low Can You Go?, based on a idea put forward by Greenrock.

Households participating in the program, which began in January and runs until the end of October, are competing for the greatest reduction in energy use during that time period.

eco-tainerGreenrock applaud Buzz's decision to change its packaging, utensils and cups to more environmentally friendly products.

Moving to compostable packaging, starch based cups and sustainably sourced wooden cutlery not only cuts down on our use of scarce resources, but also reduces the toxic chemicals that are released into the air at Tynes Bay when plastic is burned.

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