3-wheeled-carVisitors might be able to rent out three-wheeled city cars and covered trikes instead of hiring mopeds when they stay in Bermuda in the future.

Officials remain tight-lipped about exactly which 'alternative rental vehicles' might be used here. But the Bermuda Sun understands Government has received proposals from entrepreneurs looking to bring in two and three-wheeled, eco-friendly and battery operated vehicles, such as those shown here.

Judith LandsbergJudith Landsberg, who is stepping down as president of Greenrock, the environmental charity will continue her commitment to green issues on the other side of the world.

The environmentalist who is currently pursuing a Master's degree in environmental leadership courtesy of Duke University, is returning to her native Australia with her family.

blest machineA couple of years back, Greenrock reported on a man who invented a machine which converted plastic into oil.

According to a 2012 study prepared for the American Chemistry Council, these Pyrolysis conversion technologies that turn plastic waste into fuel have developed to the point where they are likely to be commercially viable in just 5-10 years.

Reflections and thoughts on the future, as Greenrock President Judith Landsberg steps down

Dr Judith LandsbergAfter nearly 5 years on the Greenrock Management Committee, half of those as President, the time has come to step down. I am excited by the opportunity to return home to Australia, to take my children to get to know their cousins, and to spend time with my parents, but it is certainly with mixed emotions that I leave Bermuda and the Greenrock Management Committee.

We talk about leaving a better planet for our kids, what about leaving better kids for our planet?

Greenrock represents Bermuda as a member of the international Eco-School accrediting body, the Foundation for Environmental Education. After a thorough application process, FEE has welcomed Bermuda to the table and is eager to see our students' participation.

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