brown widow spiderWinter edition of Envirotalk from the Ministry of Health and Enviroment.

Widow Spider identification, Citrus Leaf Miner updates, butterflies, Winter planting schedule and more.

Gordon Johnson, Greenrock Executive DirectorGreenrock announced today that, after 6 months of careful planning, the organization has established a new governance structure to help increase its impact as a registered charity dedicated to sustainable living in Bermuda.

Illegal dumping on Bermuda's Railway TrailFollowing complaints from Marsh Folly workers of illegal dumping at the facility, Government has issued a reminder that the offence now carries a $10,000 fine.

The Department of Waste Management is also installing cameras to watch "dumping hot spots around Bermuda" and catch offenders, according to a spokeswoman.

earth-globe-green-genericThe Bermuda National Trust is inviting all students to participate in the 2014 Earth Day Student Video Competition to showcase your creativity, innovation, and commitment to our natural and cultural heritage, as well as to the future of the planet.

3-wheeled-carVisitors might be able to rent out three-wheeled city cars and covered trikes instead of hiring mopeds when they stay in Bermuda in the future.

Officials remain tight-lipped about exactly which 'alternative rental vehicles' might be used here. But the Bermuda Sun understands Government has received proposals from entrepreneurs looking to bring in two and three-wheeled, eco-friendly and battery operated vehicles, such as those shown here.

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