The menu offers fresh salads and hearty homemade soups, as well as fair trade coffee. Norma's new initiative at Nonna's kitchen also helps reduce the amount of waste created by this commercial enterprise, helps to educate her customers by giving then a green option and helps to provide some financial support for an environmental charity in Bermuda.

For the month of October, Nonna's kitchen will donate $1 to KBB for every china plate that customers use. This is to encourage customers who are eating lunch on Nonna's outdoor terrace to build their salad at the salad bar with a washable, re-usable plate, rather than a plastic take-out container. Nonna's kitchen is located on the first block of Bermudiana Road on the right-hand side. If you have not been to this great little restaurant, give it a try. If you are already a fan, make sure to go during the month of October and help KBB, it's a win-win. 

Do you know someone who is a Green Champion at work? Greenrock is accepting nominations until December 1st. Click here to for details.


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Norma 2011 Green ChampionNorma was awarded the 2011 Greenrock Green Champion Award

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