
For centuries Bermudians have placed a high environmental and cultural value on the island’s reef system — the northernmost coral formations in the Atlantic Ocean.

Earlier this year the Bermuda Reef Ecosystem Assessment and Mapping Programme (BREAM), part of the Bermuda Zoological Society’s Biodiversity Project, placed a monetary value on our protective reefs —


During their Marine Science Day held today [Nov 20] Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences [BIOS] research technician Matt Bradfield explained research that BIOS is undertaking to generate alternative energy from marine algae from the Sargasso Sea.

Andrew_VaucrossonThe environmental group Greenrock hopes to see a revival of plans for a generic, Island-wide reusable bag in the wake of Government proposals to ban the use of plastic shopping bags.

Stuart_KriendlerSolar specialist Stuart Kriendler is leading the way when it comes to preserving the island's environment.

The 29-year-old promises to help "put Bermuda on the map" as one of the first Bermudians to become a qualified installer of renewable energy systems.

bermuda_agricultureThe Island's agricultural industry is at a critical point as valuable farming land has been falling into disuse, according to a new report

According to the report from the Environmental Coalition, less than half of Bermuda's arable farmland is in use and some property owners are even willing to sell their soil in an attempt to get agricultural land on their properties re-zoned.

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