duckThe Bermuda Audobon Society is encouraging Bermudians to give a gift to both future generations of Bermudians as well as our feathered inhabitants this Christmas — a restored Seymour’s Pond.

The Minister of Environment, Planning and Infrastructure Walter Roban pledged Government’s support for the Sargasso Sea Alliance Initiative last week during a celebratory reception at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute (BUEI) on Tuesday.

solar_panel_bermuda_2Copy supplied by Green Ventures Bermuda Ltd.

The release of the Department of Energy's 'Research Report' reveals encouraging figures on Bermudian's desire to be energy conscious, how-ever, they remain largely uninformed of Government programmes.

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The following article is based on the newly released report entitled The Role of Agriculture in Bermuda's Future. Researched and prepared by Aran McKittrick, the report seeks to summarise some of the historic and modern challenges facing the agricultural industry, with an aim to better explaining their effect on the use and protection of arable land in Bermuda.

Material_Recovery_FacilitySince the opening of the Material Recovery Facility (MRF) at the Government quarry in 2007 the automated process of handling our recycled goods has meant a decrease in some bulky items being sent to the Airport Dump.

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