Welcome to Greenrock
Greenrock is working to empower individuals and companies to do their part in making Bermuda socially, economically and environmentally more sustainable.
Living Green Expo
We provide a platform for businesses in the green economy to showcase sustainable products and services to the community.
Greenrock is an advocate for renewable energy in Bermuda. We also raise awareness about pollution, planetary boundaries and sustainable living.
Green Building Forum
Founded by Greenrock in 2009, the Green Building Forum (GBF) promotes sustainable commercial environments and facilities management.
Support Us
You're welcome to join as a member, become a corporate supporter, make a donation or contribute as a volunteer. It's easy to get involved.
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Our Corporate Supporters - 2015
These organizations are changing the way they do business to be more sustainable. They are also providing ongoing support to Greenrock so that together we can move Bermuda to a more sustainable lifestyle.
We would like to thank them for their vision for the future and their faith in our mission.
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Our Corporate Supporters - 2014
These organizations are changing the way they do business to be more sustainable. They are also providing ongoing support to Greenrock so that together we can move Bermuda to a more sustainable lifestyle.
We would like to thank them for their vision for the future and their faith in our mission.
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Volunteer Opportunities
There's a lot of interest from you - our supporters - in helping out with Greenrock events and projects. We appreciate your support in all areas!
We need help today in the following areas:
- To help with Eco-Schools, volunteer roles can be hands-on with students and schools or behind-the-scenes support, even outside of regular school hours. Some important roles include: Eco-Committee Member/Facilitator (specific to a school), Audit Assistance (specific to a school or to a topic), Campaign Development, Event Planning, and Accrediting Committee. Please email our Eco-Schools Coordinator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you want to help with a specific school please include that in the email.
- Are you organized and interested in efficiency? We are looking for someone to manage our Savings for Seniors Project. We anticipate that this would take a couple of hours a week on an ongoing basis. This person will need to have the following skills: Be very organized and comfortable with keeping track of stock, enjoy working with our senior citizens, have some confidence with how electricity and electrical appliances work.
- Do you like marketing and communications? We would like someone to help with marketing our Hydration Stations. We anticipate this would take a few hours a week for a few weeks to a couple of months; after that the project takes minimal maintenance. This would involve promoting the hydration stations to potential sponsors, liaising with the Corporation of Hamilton and other partners, and managing the artwork and partner relations. It would be helpful for this person to have some familiarity with marketing or advertising, be interested in design, and also be detail oriented and willing to work with a number of different partners to keep the hydration stations in good condition. There may be an opportunity to work with the America's Cup initiative to put new hydration stations at Dockyard.
- Do you have ideas on how Bermuda can lower its environmental footprint? Are there projects you think we should carry out? Maybe you would like to join our Management Team?
For all of these roles, if you would like to learn more, send an email to our Executive Director: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
From time to time we need volunteers for our regular events, such as Earth Hour. If you would like to be contacted to help at an event, sign up below:
To sign-up as a volunteer, click | ![]() |
All proceeds support sustainability projects and advocacy work to encourage respect and appreciation for Bermuda's environment
Of course you will receive the psychic benefits of helping to save the planet! Feels good, doesn't it?
You will also receive;
- Our monthly e-newsletters
- Invitations to all of our events
- Opportunities to participate in special events for members
- Notification of our Annual General Meeting
- At times our community partners offer discounts or benefits to Greenrock members. We post these on our Facebook Page and also alert members via e-mail.
Your membership will help support our community-based initiatives, including;
- Green Building Forum
- Earth Hour
- Living Green Expo
- Our Website
- Our Social Media Presence | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | LinkedIn coming soon
- Our Advocacy and Awareness Campaigns
- Our Educational Programs
- Our Communications | Audio and Video Production | Interviews | Live Broadcasts
- Membership year runs each year from January to December.
- Annual Cost $25
Once you sign up as a member use this form to create your membership profile
Where are we going?
Why Greenrock?Greenrock_Vision.pdf
Greenrock believes that if we act together, today: living sustainably will benefit today's and future generations. Changing our mindset to live within our means will have long-term benefits for our island, and will have immediate economic benefits .
By pursuing our current lifestyle we are using up the resources that belong to our children and grandchildren: it takes the Earth one year and six months to regenerate what we use in a year. We do not have to leave this burden; there is an alternative.
A sustainable life - Bermuda in 30 years:
An Island nation that lives within it's own ecological footprint. Zero carbon footprint: carbon emissions from energy and vehicles are low enough to be absorbed by green landscape and local fishing grounds. Sustainable thinking underpins our education system and our decision-making
Education: Schools' energy-saving behavior provides a model for their communities. Classes actively use the school gardens and energy facilities in their curriculum and engage students with alternative learning styles through engagement in the environment. Bermuda College is a world leader in training for "green jobs" such as energy management, zero-scaping, materials recycling and renewable installation.
Greenrock's Education Council, School Roadshow, and Green Schools Handbook all support these initiatives.
Housing: Planning codes and household behavior changes have resulted in 30% lower energy and water requirements: local traditional architecture styles include improved insulation, widespread reuse of building materials and grey water recycling. Newer architecture uses innovative approaches such as green walls and roofs and materials such as recycled plastics or tires.
Greenrock consults with the Government on planning codes and works with Architects and building companies.
Food: Community gardens and community supported agriculture have increased our local produce, food miles are labeled on all products, demand for meat and meat products has declined.
Greenrock's Healthy Harvest project actively promotes this concept.
Mobility: High penetration of electric vehicles, all oils are recycled as biodiesel fuel and supplemented by biodiesel from algae (commercialized from BIOS research) – there are no petrol vehicles. Public transport all uses renewable energy, runs cheaply and frequently and is well-patronized. Bike paths exist on major arteries for alternative transportation and bike friendly infrastructure, such as bike racks, are widespread.
Greenrock events such as "Moving Planet Day" promote these ideas.
Goods: non-renewable based products are banned as imports – all disposable products (plastic cups, straws, plates, bags) are starch-based rather than petroleum based, and also attract an additional duty which is used for the maintenance of onshore green-space and for the offshore marine protected area. Composting and minimized packaging reduces waste, and all waste disposal methods generate electricity.
Greenrock public service campaigns such as the BYOB campaign and the "No Thanks" plastic bag campaign encourage this behavior, the "hydration stations" project actively support changes in community behavior.
Energy: Peak electricity demand from the utility has dropped by 50% due to increased efficiency in homes and businesses (30%), and abundant micro-renewables provide for most of daytime use on homes and offices. Base load is provided by the waste-to-energy facility and tidal or wave energy, peak electricity demand is supplied by commercial wind or solar.
Greenrock's Green Office initiatives, Waste and Energy Committee, and projects such as the CFL bulb swap work to reduce dependence on fossil fuels
Business: Bermuda tourism is an example to the world – hotels use electric vehicles, recycle their grey water for landscaping, generate their own electricity and use bamboo and other renewable natural materials for furnishing and decorating. Bermuda is proud of the extent to which is protects its marine resources. Bermuda is a leader in attracting up-market eco-tourists. International Business is delighted to locate to a jurisdiction which is fully sustainable, and has excellent local skills in areas such as plant maintenance, native landscaping, and eco-psychology for employee health and energy management.
Greenrock's Green Buildings Forum and Green Office Project brings together companies to share ideas and work towards these goals.
Join us in Changing the Future!
Latest News from Greenrock
Check out some of our latest news and what's happening at Greenrock.
Sharing our stories, heritage and scenery
To see the Railway Trail from a new perspective, join Myles Darrell for a bike ride on Sunday. He will lead the way to Dockyard from Waterville, the...
Read MoreJoin the community in cleaning up Bermuda
If you have a couple hours to spare on Sunday, consider using the time to help make Bermuda “cleaner, greener, and more beautiful”. Keep Bermuda Beautiful is...
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Those plants you are walking past could be food; they could be the remedy to what ails you. Or they might be something you should steer clear of. Doreen...
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