Once again, the Halloween season has come and gone. Time to pack up the decorations and snarf down any remaining candy that didn't get passed out to little zombies and ninjas.
Old costumes are pretty easy to handle. Kids may want to hold on to and play with their costumes for a while. If your children enjoy dress up time and your child’s costume would work well for dress up, you can simply add it your existing dress up clothes. If you don't plan to hang on to one, many organizations welcome the donation. Thrift stores such as The Bargain Box and The Barn do a tremendous business for Halloween and are great places to drop off gently used costumes. Hospitals and organizations that work with foster or needy children, pre-schools and even schools are usually quite willing to take a costume off your hands.
If you don't have a suitable place to donate your Halloween goods, hold onto them until next fall. Consider organizing a costume swap, with social media an excellent avenue to post what you have and what you are looking to acquire. Freecycle Bermuda can also put you in touch with individuals who want your particular outfit.
Backyard composters are available for purchase from Waste Management for $80While dealing with your old costumes isn't too difficult, a bigger question is what to do with pumpkins — especially the ones that have been carved and sitting outside for days or weeks. If you don't have the time or inclination to do very much with these spooky pieces of art, probably the fastest way to dispose of your pumpkins is to compost them. Let the kids smash them to pieces and add some decaying leaves on top, and you've got some great fodder for the worms and other creepy crawlies living in your compost bin.
Backyard composters are available for purchase from Waste Management for $80.00. Call 278-0563 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to purchase an EarthMachine brand compost bin.
In many countries, local waste management collects organic domestic waste, including pumpkins, for their own compost. Here in Bermuda, we do have a controlled composting facility at Marsh Folly, BUT unfortunately it currently only accepts horticultural waste.
Another great way to add nutrients to your yard is to utilize your fake cemetery and bury the gourd. Actually, it would be best to let it decompose in the soil you plan to plant come spring, but it might give your neighbors a great post-Halloween spook to see you outside, shoveling in the moonlight and dropping a head-shaped object into a hole in your yard.
You can use your carved pumpkin as a compostable container, and then plant directly in the ground.This burial method is also great if you plan to do any more last-minute planting. Use your carved pumpkin as a planter. It can sit on the porch a few more days, then can be used just like a compostable container, and planted directly in the ground.
If you didn't carve your pumpkin, or did so not long ago, the internet abounds with recipes using the gourd's innards, from seeds to the stringy pulp. Not only is it good for our digestive system, but our skin, as well. Pureed pumpkin makes a great face mask.
Whatever you do, be careful about cooking any pumpkin that has been carved for very long. Safety precautions exist even for feeding it to wildlife, as moldy pumpkins are hazardous and should be relegated to the compost heap.
Adapted from the article www.ehow.com/how_4500385_recycle-pumpkins.html