Welcome to Greenrock
Greenrock is working to empower individuals and companies to do their part in making Bermuda socially, economically and environmentally more sustainable.
Living Green Expo
We provide a platform for businesses in the green economy to showcase sustainable products and services to the community.
Greenrock is an advocate for renewable energy in Bermuda. We also raise awareness about pollution, planetary boundaries and sustainable living.
Green Building Forum
Founded by Greenrock in 2009, the Green Building Forum (GBF) promotes sustainable commercial environments and facilities management.
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You're welcome to join as a member, become a corporate supporter, make a donation or contribute as a volunteer. It's easy to get involved.
Welcome to Greenrock
Re Plastic Bag usage in Bermuda and suggested legislation
[Sender’s information]
The Hon. Sylvain Richards JP, MP
The Ministry of Environment and Planning
Dame Lois Browne-Evans Bldg., 5th Floor
58 Court Street
Hamilton HM 12
Green Workplace Awards - Submission Rules & Guidelines
NB: The rules and guidelines below apply to all award categories EXCEPT the Green Champion Award.
Submissions must be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as attachment(s) by 15 December. Please include the words 'GWA Submission' in the email subject line, and attach performance data and any other information available to support your submission.
Greenrock suggest entrants cover the following topics in their submission, but these are offered as guidelines only. We recognize that each workplace is different.
Please note: judges will contact you for any follow-up questions, clarifications and/or to request a site visit.
1. Environmental Impact – quantified as far as possible for the performance period
It is recommended that you submit the following metrics for the selected month (consider calculating on a per person basis):
Electricity usage
Trash generated (both recyclables and other waste)
Water usage
Paper and other consumables
There may be other metrics you wish to consider, such as fuel usage.
Note: Submissions could include descriptions of how your workplace has made efforts to reduce consumption in any of these areas. If it is possible to show a reduction compared with another month (e.g. same month last year, or another month this year) this is likely to be considered favourably by the judges. Similarly, efforts to quantify consumption (e.g. trash audit, percentage of employees carpooling, telecommuting hours) will be applauded.
2. Green Policies adopted and practiced by the company
Examples include:
Green Cleaning
Green purchasing
Indoor Air Quality/Healthy Workplace
Evidence will need to be included that the policies are being practiced. Judging may include spot checks!
3. Office Initiatives
Examples include:
Innovation in workplace design or employee practices
Education within the company or in the community
Community service related to the environment
4. Green Challenge
If your place of business has not yet tackled or addressed green/sustainability issues, consider adopting a challenge for the performance period in October or November and provide the results (i.e. as referenced in Criteria 1, aiming to demonstrate a reduction pre and post-challenge).
Ideas for this topic include:
Removing all plastic/paper kitchen items and use china/reusable alternatives (estimate how much trash is reduced and cost savings)
Promoting central recycling bins for disposal; removing trash bins at staff’s desks
Remove all plastic, single-use bottled water from the workplace premises (encourage use of reusable drinking bottles)
Reduce printing of paper
Conduct a trash audit and compost food scraps (donate to farm or garden)
If you would like more ideas on how to make your workplace more environmentally friendly, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Green Champion Award - Nomination Rules & Guidelines
The Green Champion category of the Green Workplace Awards is designed to recognize individuals who have made an outstanding effort to reduce the environmental impact of their organisation even if their efforts have not met with great success.
Any business or individual can nominate a Green Champion.
Please send nominations by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with subject 'Green Champion Nomination'. The email body should include the nominee's name, where they work and a description/write-up of their efforts and contribution (i.e. no more than 500 words).
The deadline for nominations is 15 December.
Nominations will be reviewed by the judging panel.
Green Workplace Award winners will be announced in January, and prizes awarded during Greenrock's annual Earth Hour event in March.
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