JudithGreenrock president Judith Landsberg calls herself an enthusiastic trier of green technology, even if it doesn't always go so well in its infancy.

Her electric pedal bike is her pride and joy, but the light-emitting diodes her family once installed in the den didn't actually produce enough light to read by, and the solar-powered shower produced cold water on a grey day.

EarthHour_cityhall_eventEarth Hour is a symbolic event where on the last Saturday in March billions of people across the globe switch lights off at 8.30pm for one hour to mark the world's largest public action for climate change. We encourage all Bermuda residents and businesses to do the same plan an event, have a candle-light dinner, or cast your vote for action on climate change by turning out your lights!

NYC_rooftop_farmA new proposal by the Department of City Planning would allow commercial buildings throughout the city to be topped with rooftop farms or greenhouses without increasing the building's floor area ratio and height restrictions.


HealthyHarvest_volunteers_SLGround was broken this week on the first Healthy Harvest community garden and many more could follow throughout the Island as Greenrock uses the project to revive interest in local food production and consumption.

The Ombudsman for Bermuda, Arlene Brock, has found that Government "acted unlawfully by failing to require an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] prior to sending the draft Tuckers Point Special Development Order [SDO] to the Legislature."

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