Greenrock has formed a local Earth Hour Council with representatives from Belco, the City of Hamilton, WedCo, the Chamber of Commerce, and the Bermuda Government Departments of Energy and Sustainable Development, to encourage businesses to turn off their lights for one hour.

In addition, the Earth Hour Council is organising a local Earth Hour event at City Hall to educate and motivate all residents to live more sustainably. There will be a free film festival, live entertainment and much more.

Here are our top ten reasons why all of us should participate in Earth Hour and support the public event:

It's easy. Anyone can do it, anywhere. Just flip a switch off at home or in the office. To practice, go to the nearest light switch and give it a try.

A symbolic act doesn't mean it's pointless. In fact, the more people who participate in Earth Hour, the more we can send a message to policymakers that people do care about climate change and therefore, Bermuda's present and future policies should reflect this. Be part of the world's biggest public demonstration!

There's a free Expo at City Hall. Starting in the late afternoon and running until 10pm, anyone can learn how to reduce their electricity bill, what is happening in the Green Economy in Bermuda today and fun things you can do without power. Visit for more event details. Did we mention it's free?

Take in a movie. Part of the line-up for our Earth Hour Expo is documentary film screenings inside City Hall theatre, including a children's movie. These films aim to educate and inspire all of us in how to take action towards being responsible for our planet.

Test your legs on a power-generating bicycle. This will be fun! Belco has a team of engineers building bicycles that generate energy. Come out and pedal for power at the Earth Hour Expo. This is part of an effort to have us think about where energy comes from and how much we consume day-to-day.

See and hear from Green exhibitors. At the Earth Hour Expo, meet and hear from companies that offer greener, more environmentally-friendly products and services.

Enjoy music and entertainment under the stars. Our fire and limbo dancers, backed by steel pans, wowed spectators last year. This year's line-up at the Earth Hour Expo will be no different.

Take in a romantic candlelight dinner. Barracuda Grill and Victoria Grill are two local restaurants participating in Earth Hour this year.

Feel good about saving the planet. Earth Hour has us reflect on how changing our behaviour when using energy, using water, creating waste or purchasing goods can have an impact on our local and global environments.

One person's actions do add up. If you switch off lights for Earth Hour and so does your neighbour, and their neighbour, and so on...the domino effect is plain to see. Plus, if you're a business owner or a facilities manager, it means you could hold the key to making a difference and seeing the power of your own actions even if it means turning lights off manually in your own building.

Join us in participating in this year's Earth Hour. Your business can also confirm its participation by signing our agreement available at (on Earth Hour event page) or by requesting a copy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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