vehicle_recycling_busesCan an old and unused bus be transformed into an art studio for the good of the community?

It’s a simple enough question, but after a day of making phone calls and sending e-mails Ami Zanders is still waiting for an answer.

The 33-year-old artist remains hopeful but she continues to play the waiting game after being “passed from one person to the next” at the Ministry of Transport.

Click here to read full article.

Local artists want to transform two abandoned buses into a much-needed studio space to nurture the creativity of Islanders.

Artist Ami Zanders is leading the campaign to put the two vandalised buses in St. David's to good use "for the sake of the community."

She says it makes sense to "recycle the buses" rather than forking out thousands of dollars in rent to promote Bermuda's home-grown artistic talent.

Click here to read full article.

Bermuda has been disposing of waste at the airport dump for nearly 40 years with little thought of the impact on the environment.

The resulting damage to Castle Harbour and surrounding marine habitats is irreversible coral reefs and the black grouper population have been notably affected.

Click here to read full article.


A project encouraging the growing of local fruits and vegetables is getting support this summer from insurer Catlin Bermuda.

Healthy Harvest, a 2009 initiative of the Greenrock sustainable development charity, is currently seeking new locations for community gardens around the Island.


Initiative creating and establishing community gardens and orchards to encourage local food growing and consumption

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