bike_lanesGreenrock says: Recently in Costa Rica, two college students who were travelling together were stuck in a typical traffic jam. At the same time on the radio, there was a discussion about the benefits of carpooling. The two students listening to the programme looked around and noticed that every vehicle around them had just one person inside.

electric carElectric vehicles have been around for years, but it's only recently that manufacturers are starting to push the vehicles' consumer benefits.

tap_drippingWe've all, by now, seen the effects of the lack of rainfall we've had this year. If you haven't already faced an empty tank, you know someone else who has, and probably have the number of a water truck nearby.

windmillsGreen energy has been highlighted as a potential source of jobs and business opportunities for Bermudians as the island responds to the recession.

omariGetting back to nature. That's what it can take for Bermuda to become the perfect paradise many only reminisce about.

From planting, reaping and sharing the benefits of our harvest, Bermuda can get back to its roots, according to Omari Dill, who is working in partnership with Greenrock to help launch the second phase of the Healthy Harvest Project and encourage more Bermudians to eat as natural as possible.

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