Greenrock president Andrew Vaucrosson said Healthy Harvest would help spread a sense of community.

“Growing and eating local food is better for us health-wise, economically and socially speaking, as well as for our environment.”

The project is being overseen by sustainable agriculture consultant Omari Dill, who said: “The unique tastes and variety of locally grown food in Bermuda is slowly being forgotten from one generation to another.

Caitlin will help getting new plots identified and planted for the next growing season. Mr Dill is the project’s “scout”, finding potential land that can be used through plot agreements. Greenrock said it has also been getting tips from individuals and groups around the Island.

Mr Vaucrosson explained: “Plot agreements are based on a licence to use the land. It is not a lease, since our goal is that the land will be lent to us, with no monetary exchange, for the usage in this project. Our goal is to create plots within the three zones we have identified West, Central and East. Within those zones, we have established nurseries that will be the incubator for our seedlings.”

Information on local fruit and vegetables is available on the Greenrock website (below). It includes growing seasons for different crops, and statistics on Bermuda’s food growing and importing. According to the site, 80 percent of our food comes from overseas.

Company president and CEO Graham Pewter said: “Encouraging the community’s involvement in the growing, harvesting and consumption of locally grown produce is an initiative that we are only too happy to support.”

Greenrock is also seeking volunteers to help set up and maintain the gardens, to offset additional costs.

Once grown, the crops will be harvested by members of the community. The group hopes the initiative will expand into a “growing cooperative” that can sell Bermuda produce through supermarkets.

Do you grow your own? Let us know e-mail news[AT]

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