video segments spotlight a broad assortment of the latest environmental ideas and innovations. Here are some of Greenrock's recent picks;

London (CNN) -- Cheaper and lighter compared to its more expensive, cumbersome silicon cousin, plastic photovoltaics (PV) could herald a revolution in the solar power market, according to a UK solar panel expert.

"Plastics are much cheaper to process than silicon. In principle the devices we've been making might be very, very cheap and cover large areas," said David Lidzey from the UK's University of Sheffield.

Click here for full article.

cars_in_dumpGarbage. It's everywhere — even in the middle of the oceans — and it's pure gold for companies like [US based] Waste Management and Republic Services who dominate this $52 billion-a-year industry. From curbside collection by trucks costing $250,000 each, to per-ton tipping fees at landfills, there's money to be made at every point as more than half of the 250 million tons of trash created in the United States each year reaches its final resting place.

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