catlin_garden_plantingVolunteers cleared the remains of the spring/summer harvest, turned fresh soil conditioner into the beds and introduced seed and seedlings for the fall/winter cropFollowing a successful inaugural growing season, the group set about clearing the remains of the spring/summer harvest, turned fresh soil conditioner into the beds and introduced seed and seedlings for the fall/winter crop. In what turned out to be a fun and informative community day, the group managed to complete the hard clearing work and plant radishes, lettuce, carrots, onions, leeks, mustard greens, peppers, basil and garlic.

With ongoing support and collaboration from the Healthy Harvest team, Sunshine League has now assumed management of the gardens and generated a sustainable maintenance plan for the next two growing seasons. Produce harvested from the gardens will be split between volunteers who continue to lend their support and a portion to find its way into the immediate community at a reasonable price. Plans are in place for the gardens to generate seed and establish a seedling shed. In addition, a variety of fruit trees have been planted on the western edge of the property with a view to planting more over the nest year or so.

Greenrock recognizes this form of development holds value as Bermuda explores building local, sustainable practices. Whilst this garden is not a large one, the therapeutic and educational value of this space, coupled with the production of local, nutritious food lend credence to Greenrock's overall mission: to inspire and facilitate sustainable solutions within our communities. Re-connecting Bermuda with the knowledge and wisdom associated with local food production holds far-reaching value and community building practices.

Greenrock has plans to develop four new Healthy Harvest community gardens in 2013 — two at Child and Family Service's Residential Treatment Services; one at Windreach Bermuda; and one at Kaleidoscope Arts Foundation. We are currently awaiting funding approval for these projects.

If you are interested in supporting these projects please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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