HealthyHarvest_volunteers_SLGround was broken this week on the first Healthy Harvest community garden and many more could follow throughout the Island as Greenrock uses the project to revive interest in local food production and consumption.

The Ombudsman for Bermuda, Arlene Brock, has found that Government "acted unlawfully by failing to require an Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] prior to sending the draft Tuckers Point Special Development Order [SDO] to the Legislature."

Greenrock to benefit from “Dollars for Hours” project led by PartnerRe Ltd.

Eight secondary schools will earn $30,000 each when their students team up with local charities again under the “Dollars for Hours” project led by PartnerRe Ltd.

“Dollars For Hours: Youth and Community in Partnership” will distribute a total of $240,000 to public and private schools, and give hands-on support to local charities.

“This is the sixth time that PartnerRe has paired local charities with the secondary schools, bringing our total Dollars for Hours donation to over $1,240,000 since the program’s inception in 2006,” said PartnerRe President and CEO Costas Miranthis.

Click here to read full article.

Walter_Roban_-_AR-709289944Ace has managed to cut its electricity bill by 12 percent compared to five years ago in the process of becoming Bermuda’s first LEED (Leadership in Engineering and Environmental Design) certified building.

AR-709219955Government shouldn’t widen Town Cut to bring in tourists who traditionally spend little, insisted new Greenrock president Judith Landsberg yesterday.

Media reports have said a study recommends doubling its width and removing large parts of three islands Dr Landsberg said the decision didn’t seem to make sense economically.

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