Minister Minors’ said, “Horticulture is said to be an interesting and refreshing vocational field. A person who enjoys working with plants, soil, and the environment or who has an interest in nature, ecology or growing things is ideally suited for a career in horticulture; the more education and training that one has in this area, the greater the opportunities both locally and internationally.

“The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in cooperation with the Landscaping Association of Bermuda will launch the Summer Landscaping and Gardening Programme 2012. This eight week programme will launch on the 9th July and run through 31 August, 2012.

“This programme is designed to engage 25 young high school students ages 15–18 in various aspects of landscaping, gardening, and horticultural activities.

“The students will be paid a stipend of $475 at the end of the month long programme; the cost of which will be split between Government and the participating Landscaping Association members. The programme consists of two cohorts, one in July and one in August”, the Minister said.

Mr. Omari Dill, Healthy Harvest Project Leader and President of UTOPIA Ltd. is the instructor for this programme.

Click here for original article in full.

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