Irish_bagIn March of 2002, Republic of Ireland became the first country to introduce a plastic bag fee, or PlasTax. Designed to rein in their rampant consumption of 1.2 billion plastic shopping bags per year, the tax resulted in a 90% drop in consumption, and approximately 1 billion fewer bags were consumed annually. To complete the win-win scenario, approximately $9.6 million was raised from the tax in the first year, which is earmarked for a green fund established to benefit the environment. Several other countries and cities around the world are now considering implementing a similar tax, including UK, Australia and New York City.

Sylvia_EarleThe Sargasso Sea and Bermuda’s important role in conserving this unique marine environment— especially the area within its waters — will be the subject of a lecture this week by world-renowned oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle [pictured].

Dr. Earle will speak at the Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute [BUEI] on Thursday, May 31.

reserveThe Public Works Ministry is proposing that several Parks be reclassified as Nature Reserves, Minister of Public Works Michael Weeks said yesterday [May 25] in the House of Assembly.

“A comprehensive mapping review of the park system has just been completed,” said Minister Weeks.

marc_beanA heated debate on the protection of open spaces was nearly cut short after repeated complaints of personal attacks in a speech by Environment Minister Marc Bean.

Members of the One Bermuda Alliance and the United Bermuda Party (UBP) said open spaces need to be protected, remarking on how developed Bermuda has become in the last few decades, Mr Bean responded that those who were most vocal against developments were the same people who “own the most concrete”.

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KBBKeep Bermuda Beautiful will this week launch a new programme hoped to encourage individuals and groups make a difference in their neighbourhoods.

The Adopt-A-Spot programme, which will be launched Wednesday afternoon, but 36 groups have already pledged to take part.

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