It aims to encourage as many commuters as possible to find alternative ways to get to work on that day including taking public transport, travelling via bicycle and sharing a ride.

According to the Transport Control Department, the density per square mile of motor traffic on Bermuda’s roads is the highest in the world with more than 2,300 vehicles per square mile.

And according to Anne Glasspool, PhD, author of The Impact of Climate Change on Bermuda, 2008, our Co2 emissions are the 10th highest per capita globally.

It is hoped that the carpooling event will become an annual fixture on Bermuda’s calendar and will act as a catalyst for people to carpool throughout the year.

The Cut the Carbon out of the Commute event that Ms Caldas has introduced to Bermuda is part of an international effort organized by The environmental group gets its name from the number scientists, climate experts and progressive national governments say is the safe upper limit for carbon dioxide in our atmosphere (350 parts per million).

Ms Caldas told the Bermuda Sun: “Bermuda needs to be a part of these kinds of international events, both for our own gain as well as putting us on the map and getting global recognition.

“Not only will it benefit the environment but it can enhance our community, which is one of our unique features tourists love about Bermuda. We are moving in the right direction, but a lot more needs to be done, beyond the usual suspects of eco groups.

“It will take a lot more public participation to change the impacts we make on the world and I wanted to engage Bermudians in a movement that is happening across the globe, while seeing how it impacts home at the same time.”

The drive coincides with an online awareness effort launched by activists in mid August.

A Facebook group was launched ‘Help Give a Ride to Work”, which was to encourage a community spirit during the recent bus strikes by providing rides to those stranded without transportation.

The group has since received more than 8,000 visits and over 2,000 posts.

Both campaigns are now working collaboratively to raise awareness throughout the island.

An organizer of the Facebook page said: “We completely support what Abbie is doing and think it is just another step towards helping make Bermuda more eco-friendly.”

The carpooling drive has also received support from local environmental organizations Greenrock and the Bermuda Environment and Sustainability Taskforce.

Click here to read original article.

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