Earth Hour

  • Earth Hour 2017 - February Newsletter

    Organising and related activities are gathering pace for Earth Hour 2017, to be held this year on Saturday, March 25th.

    This year, we will be holding Earth Hour at City Hall, and during the day we will be hosting a Living Green Expo on the grounds of City Hall, featuring local green businesses. Live entertainment will begin the evening in the run-up to Earth Hour itself, which starts at 8:30pm. At the start of Earth Hour we will start our 5k Glow Fun Walk & Run throughout the City, beginning and ending at City Hall.

    The registration website for the 5k Glow Fun Walk & Run is now open, for both individual and corporate teams – please sign up now!

    We still need volunteers for Earth Hour, particularly for road marshals. Want to help out? Email now!

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