I worked as a Systems Analyst at a benefits consulting firm and as a Mechanical Engineer specializing in building automation.
What motivates you out of bed in the mornings?
My wife, our two cats who think the entire family should get up before the sun rises and the fact I am fortunate enough to be able to be living on one of the most beautiful places in the world.
What would you like to see change in your lifetime?
I would like to see significant investments in renewable energy and technologies so that the world can become totally independent of oil and coal in my lifetime. I would like for all people to understand and care about the impact their actions have on the environment and I'd like to see a sustainable lifestyle become part of everyone's daily routine.
Why should we care about Bermuda's development?
Because Bermuda rocks...and it is a rock...a very small one with limited space, but major potential. Growth in Bermuda needs to occur in a sustainable fashion in order to preserve this amazing place for future generations.